VIP / Speakers

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  • Scale AI Solution Faste...

    Amy Hu
    美商英特爾公司 DCAI 部門, Habana Labs 台灣區總經理, 負責製造及支援平台的客戶``🌟 胡瑛敏``Amy Hu````Taiwan Site Manager, Habana Labs``Scale AI Solution Faster with Intel(R) Technology``Intel``⏱️ 11/18 (Fri.) 13:30-14:00 at 2nd Conference Room
  • Benjamin Kuo
    Taiwan AI Academy
    ``🌟 郭秉宸``Benjamin Kuo````Industry Development Director````Taiwan AI Academy``⏱️ :-: at
  • AI Computing and Large-...

    Bor-Sung Liang
    梁伯嵩博士目前服務於聯發科技,擔任前瞻技術平台資深處長,並兼任臺灣大學資訊工程學系客座教授。於交通大學電子研究所獲得博士學位,並於臺灣大學管理學院 EMBA 商學組畢業。曾榮獲「中華民國十大傑出青年」(科技發展類)、三度獲得經濟部智慧財產局 「國家發明創作獎」發明獎 (一金二銀)、經濟部技術處「產業科技發展獎-傑出青年創新獎」、中華民國資訊月 「傑出資訊人才獎」、ACM 台北 / 台灣分會與中華民國資訊學會 「李國鼎青年研究獎」。 主要研究領域為 IC Design 與 Computer Architecture,尤其是 數位、AI 與量子運算架構。``🌟 梁伯嵩``Bor-Sung Liang````Senior Director``AI Computing and Large-Scale AI Foundation Model``MediaTek ``⏱️ 11/18 (Fri.) 16:00-16:30 at International Conference Hall
  • 宏遠興業案例:胚布品質分析

    Chia-Ming Chang
    Taiwan AI Academy
    擅長 CNN 領域方面的 AI 應用,像是物件偵測、影像分割、人臉辨識,還有 Edge AI 和 Explainable AI。``🌟 張家銘``Chia-Ming Chang````AI Engineer``宏遠興業案例:胚布品質分析 ``Taiwan AI Academy``⏱️ 11/19 (Sat.) 11:10-11:40 at 2nd Conference Room
  • AI Adoption in the Stee...

    China Steel Corporation
    吳崇勇博士於 1988 年任職於中鋼研發部門,現職為智能技術組組長。吳博士研究領域著重於設備診斷,參與多年監診系統發。目前帶領中鋼智能產銷委員會技術小組,承接公司級智能化方案推動。``🌟 吳崇勇``CHUNG-YUNG WU````Section Manager ,R&D Dept ``AI Adoption in the Steel Industry``China Steel Corporation``⏱️ 11/18 (Fri.) 16:30-17:00 at International Conference Hall
  • Scale AI Solution Faste...

    Chungyeh Wang
    美商英特爾公司平台研發協理,負責 Intel Edge AI 平台的客戶以及生態系統開發。擔任過台灣人工智慧學校經理人班,技術領袖班與 Edge AI 專班以及大專院校的深度學習課程業師,具有豐富的產業經驗。``🌟 王宗業``Chungyeh Wang````Platform Software Architect``Scale AI Solution Faster with Intel(R) Technology``Intel``⏱️ 11/18 (Fri.) 13:30-14:00 at 2nd Conference Room
  • Biomedical Applications...

    Eric Y Chuang
    College of Biomedical Engineering, China Medical University
    Eric Y Chuang received his doctorate in cancer biology with toxicology and molecular genetics as two sub-specialties from Harvard University in 1997 and his doctoral thesis was to study radiation-induced mutagenesis in human cells. After graduation, he stayed at Harvard as a postdoctoral fellow for one year. He then joined the Radiation Biology Branch of National Cancer Institute (NCI), National Institutes of Health (NIH) as an IRTA fellow to study radiogenomics in Bethesda, MD, USA. Next, he became the Head of Microarray Laboratory for Radiation Oncology Sciences Program at NCI; his lab was to develop new initiatives that utilized state-of-the-art microarray technologies for studying radiation oncology related research projects. After working at the NIH for several years, he took a faculty position at National Taiwan University (NTU). In 2009, he joined the Radiation Research Program of Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis at NCI as a Program Director to oversee a portfolio of NIH grants that included radiation-induced signaling pathways, molecular mechanisms and normal tissue injuries as well as radiation related genomic studies. In 2011, he returned to NTU and was serving as the Director of Graduate Institute of Biomedical Electronics and Bioinformatics (BEBI) in 2012-2018. Dr. Chuang received his Executive MBA degree in International Business Management from NTU in June 2017. Currently, he is a Professor of BEBI at NTU and serving as the Dean of Collage of Biomedical Engineering, China Medical University. Being an expert in genomic technologies, bioinformatics, cancer, radiation biology & oncology, biomedical engineering, and precision medicine, he has published more than 158 peer-reviewed papers in related fields. Moreover, Dr. Chuang has been serving as an editorial board member of Scientific Reports, and the Editor-in-Chief of Translation Cancer Research ([ 連結]). ``🌟 莊曜宇``Eric Y Chuang````Dean``Biomedical Applications and Development of Bioinformatics, Big data, and AI``College of Biomedical Engineering, China Medical University``⏱️ 11/19 (Sat.) 13:30-14:00 at 2nd Conference Room
  • Recent Advances in Visi...

    Frank Wang
    NVIDIA Research
    Professor, Dept. Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University``🌟 王鈺強``Frank Wang````Research Director, Deep Learning & Computer Vision``Recent Advances in Vision and Language Models``NVIDIA Research``⏱️ 11/19 (Sat.) 13:30-14:00 at International Conference Hall
  • Opportunities for AI Ta...

    Gina C. Chu
    美國史丹佛大學資訊工程碩士,臺灣大學 EMBA 高階管理碩士班。曾任美國矽谷 Oracle、Microsoft 與 Yahoo! 資深工程師設計開發 Search 相關應用。2015 年起帶領團隊建立台積自有機器學習平台 MLDP/MLOP 與各項 AI/ML 人工智慧應用,目前擔任台積電智慧應用整合處機器學習分析部之部門主管。``🌟 局荊玲``Gina C. Chu````Department Manager, AI Application & Integration Division``Opportunities for AI Talents in the Semiconductor Industry``TSMC``⏱️ 11/18 (Fri.) 17:00-17:30 at International Conference Hall
  • 台中精機案例:鑄造鋁圈氣嘴標記點定位

    Guanhua Huang
    Taiwan AI Academy
    台灣人工智慧學校台中分校工程師,東海大學資訊工程系碩士,過去研究主題為 Object Detection 與 NLP,目前 AI 研究的方向 Reinforcement Learnin 與 Imitation Learning``🌟 黃冠華``Guanhua Huang ````AI Engineer``台中精機案例:鑄造鋁圈氣嘴標記點定位``Taiwan AI Academy``⏱️ 11/19 (Sat.) 10:40-11:10 at 2nd Conference Room
  • Trillion-parameter AI a...

    Hsiang-Tsung Kung
    Harvard University
    【Current Positions】
    • William H. Gates Professor of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, Harvard University

    • B.S., National Tsing Hua University (1968)·Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University (1974)

    【Professional Experience】
    • Department of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
    • Research Associate (1973-1974), Assistant Professor (1974-1978), Associate Professor (1978-1982), Professor (1982-1985), Shell Distinguished Professor (1985-1991)
    • William H. Gates Professor of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, Harvard University (1997-)

    • Computer Sciences

    【Awards and Honors】
    • Guggenheim Fellowship (1983-1984)
    • Shell Distinguished Chair in Computer Science (1985-1991)
    • Achievement Award, Chinese Institute of Engineers, U.S.A. (1988)
    • Academician, Academia Sinica, R.O.C. (1990)
    • Member, U.S. National Academy of Engineering (1992)``🌟 孔祥重``Hsiang-Tsung Kung````William H. Gates Professor of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering``Trillion-parameter AI and Amplifying Societal Value``Harvard University``⏱️ 11/18 (Fri.) 10:20-11:20 at International Conference Hall
  • FCUAI: How FCU Introduc...

    Hwai-Jung Hsu
    Dept. Information Engineering and Computer Science, Feng Chia University
    Dr. Hwai-Jung Hsu is currently the director of the Artificial Intelligence Research Center of Feng Chia University. In recent years, he is committed to introduce AI techniques to the industries in central Taiwan. Through industry-university cooperation, he assists his partners in improving their technical capabilities and cultivating AI and data science talents. His research interests include big data analytics and application, machine learning and data engineering, software engineering and agile development, etc.``🌟 許懷中``Hwai-Jung Hsu````Associate Professor``FCUAI: How FCU Introduces AI to Central Taiwan``Dept. Information Engineering and Computer Science, Feng Chia University``⏱️ 11/19 (Sat.) 14:30-15:00 at 2nd Conference Room
  • Dual Transformation thr...

    I-Hau Yeh
    ELAN Microelectronics Corp.
    葉儀晧為交大電子所碩士,現為義隆電子董事長兼總經理,義晶科技、義碩智能、奇美車電、義傳科技董事長,財團法人人工智慧學校基金會董事。曾獲選台北科技大學傑出校友、交通大學傑出校友、中華民國企業經理協進會之「國家傑出總經理獎」、台北科技大學名譽工學博士, 並於 2020 年起連續兩屆被《哈佛商業評論》選為台灣 CEO 100 強。個人擁有國內外專利 24 篇。``🌟 葉儀晧``I-Hau Yeh````Chairman & President``Dual Transformation through AI``ELAN Microelectronics Corp.``⏱️ 11/19 (Sat.) 15:00-15:30 at International Conference Hall
  • Trillion-parameter AI a...

    Isabel Hou
    Taiwan AI Academy Foundation
    Isabel Hou is a seasoned attorney focusing on technological innovation and intellectual property law and has served as a legal counsel for various government programs,prestigious companies, and NGOs in Taiwan since 2000. Isabel serves as a committee member of Taiwan’s Open Parliament Multi-stakeholder Forum from 2019-2022.``🌟 侯宜秀``Isabel Hou````Secretary General``Trillion-parameter AI and Amplifying Societal Value``Taiwan AI Academy Foundation``⏱️ 11/18 (Fri.) 10:20-11:20 at International Conference Hall
  • AI Strategies for a Mor...

    Jarvis Chiu
    累積數位科技研究與應用服務超過 20 年經驗,現職緯創數位轉型產情研析室處長,參與集團相關業務領域的轉型藍圖制訂,專長在數位運營策略規劃,過去工作期間曾獲邀與總統進行產業對談,參與之專案亦多次獲前瞻創新評比第一,對推動產業數位創新有濃厚使命感。``🌟 邱之崧``Jarvis Chiu````Director, Market Intelligence Office of Digital Technology Department``AI Strategies for a More Resilient Supply Chain``Wistron``⏱️ 11/18 (Fri.) 14:00-14:30 at International Conference Hall
  • Taiwan's Manufacturing ...

    Jerry Huang
    Profet AI
    20 years Industry experience in different Sales & Business Leadership across China & Asia Pacific from IBM Software Group/SAP Taiwan Top Account Team /PTC Taiwan & Asia-Pacific IOT Sector.``🌟 黃建豪``Jerry Huang````Co-founder & CEO``Taiwan's Manufacturing Advatanges Facilitate AI Startup to Soar Against the Wind``Profet AI``⏱️ 11/18 (Fri.) 16:00-16:30 at 2nd Conference Room
  • The Key AI-Driven Techn...

    Johnson Hsieh
    Chimes AI
    謝宗震,清華統計博士,台灣推廣資料科學與人工智慧民主化的先行者。與台灣人工智慧學校、人工智慧科技基金會等指標性組織合作,至今教導數千位 AI 種子。有感於產業 AI 化,不能僅從知識教育與典範案例著手,謝博士於 2020 年創辦 Chimes AI 詠鋐智能公司,透過科技的破壞性創新,提供低門檻的 AI for ESG 解決方案,包含但不限於節能減碳、工安環保、循環經濟等應用場景,實踐企業永續發展。 ``🌟 謝宗震``Johnson Hsieh````CEO``The Key AI-Driven Technology of Sustainable Enterprises Management``Chimes AI``⏱️ 11/18 (Fri.) 17:00-17:30 at 2nd Conference Room
  • Applications of AI Tech...

    Ju-Chin Chen
    National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology
    TBD``🌟 陳洳瑾``Ju-Chin Chen````Professor``Applications of AI Technologies in Behavior Recognition``National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology``⏱️ 11/19 (Sat.) 15:00-15:30 at 2nd Conference Room
  • From Recognition to Mai...

    Jyh-Shing Roger Jang
    ESun Bank
    張智星於 1992 年取得加州大學柏克萊分校的電機電腦博士,博士論文即在探討模糊邏輯與類神經網路的建模與應用。1993 年加入美國 Mathworks 公司,開發與 MATLAB 共用的模糊邏輯工具箱。1995 年回台於清華大學資訊系任教,並於 2012 年轉任台灣大學資訊系。2014-2017 擔任台大資工系副主任,2017-2019 年擔任台大醫院資訊室主任,2018 年起擔任台大金融科技研究中心主任,2020 年借調到玉山金控擔任科技長。研究專長在於機器學習之各項理論與應用,包含語音辨識、音樂檢索、文件分類、影像辨識、醫療數據與金融資料分析等領域。``🌟 張智星``Jyh-Shing Roger Jang````Chief Technology Officer, Intelligent Banking Division``From Recognition to Maintenance: The Next Step of AI Implementation``ESun Bank``⏱️ 11/18 (Fri.) 15:00-15:30 at 2nd Conference Room
  • Opportunities for AI Ta...

    Ken J.S Lin
    大阪大學工學博士、台灣人工智慧學校經理班五期、長期致力於台灣半導體設備產業轉型工作與人工智慧產業化推動,目前任職於台灣積體電路公司``🌟 林建憲``Ken J.S Lin````Technical Manager, Manufacturing Technology RD Program ``Opportunities for AI Talents in the Semiconductor Industry``TSMC``⏱️ 11/18 (Fri.) 17:00-17:30 at International Conference Hall
  • Digital Talent Cultivat...

    Lee-Feng Chien
    Appier and iKala
    Dr. Chien is a leading expert in Chinese information retrieval and natural language processing technology. He is a former Research Fellow and Deputy Director of the Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, and a co-appointed Professor of the Department of Information Management at National Taiwan University, where he earned a PhD in Computer Science in 1991.``🌟 簡立峰``Lee-Feng Chien````Board Director ``Digital Talent Cultivation``Appier and iKala``⏱️ 11/18 (Fri.) 11:20-12:20 at International Conference Hall
  • Disinformation: Detecti...

    Lun-Wei Ku
    IIS, Academia Sinica
    Dr. Lun-Wei Ku received her Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Information Engineering from National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, in 2009. She joined the Institute of information Science, Academia Sinica as an assistant research fellow in Aug., 2012, and was promoted to be a research fellow in Aug., 2022. Her research expertise lies in natural language processing and information retrieval, especially in sentiment analysis and opinion mining. She often publishes quality papers in top conferences including ACL, AAAI, SIGIR, WWW, NAACL, and EMNLP. She is very active in the research community. She has been invited to be the program chair of ACL 2024. In addition, she involves in many international professional activities include the general chair and the program chair of StarSem 2021, StarSem 2019 and AIRS 2019, and the area chair of ACL, NAACL 2021, ACL, EMNLP, COLING 2020, EMNLP 2019, ACL 2017, CCL 2016, NLPCC 2016, ACL-IJCNLP and EMNLP 2015. Her research is internationally recognized and has been served as the AFNLP Member-at-Large and ACL SIGHAN Asia Information Officer. She is very experienced in academic and industrial collaborations. Her research collaborators come from US, Singapore, Sweden and Israel, and she is currently working with data companies, banks and hi-tech companies. Her current research topics focus on recommendation, visual storytelling, sensational text generation, knowledge-based question answering, lie detection, social media analysis and sport technology. ``🌟 古倫維``Lun-Wei Ku````Research Fellow``Disinformation: Detection or Treatment?``IIS, Academia Sinica``⏱️ 11/19 (Sat.) 11:40-12:10 at International Conference Hall
  • Digital Talent Cultivat...

    Ning Ning Yu
    TBD``🌟 俞寧寧``Ning Ning Yu````VP, R&D, LA R&D``Digital Talent Cultivation``Taboola``⏱️ 11/18 (Fri.) 11:20-12:20 at International Conference Hall
  • AI Enhanced Multi-Model...

    Ren C. LUO
    National Taiwan University , Electrical Eng.
    Prof. Ren C. Luo, IEEE and IET Fellow, received Dipl.-Ing. and Dr.-Ing. degrees from the Technische Universitaet Berlin, Germany. He is an Irving T. Ho Chair Professor at National Taiwan University. He served two-terms as President and Dean of Engineering of National Chung Cheng University, and Founding President of Robotics Society of Taiwan. He was President of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society.
    Prof. Luo was Toshiba Chair Professor in the University of Tokyo, Japan. He was an assistant Prof., tenured associate Prof. and Full Professor of Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at North Carolina State University, NC, USA. He served as CTO of FFG Inc. the world 3rd largest machine tool manufacturer.
    Prof. Luo’s professional expertise includes AI enhanced robotic control systems, multi-sensor fusion, computer vision, intelligent manufacturing automation technologies. He has authored more than 550 papers, which have been published in refereed international Transactions/ Journals and refereed conference proceedings. He also holds over 25 international patents. He is currently served as Editor- in- Chief of IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (Impact Factor 11.648), He also served 5 years as Editor-in-Chief of IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics.
    Prof. Luo is the 2021 Stanford University’s Top 2% of the Most-Cited Scientists, in the world within the field of Industrial Engineering & Automation for career-long citation impact. Prof. Luo received IEEE Eugene Mittelmann Outstanding Research Achievement Award, IEEE IROS Harashima Innovative Technologies Award; ALCOA Company Outstanding Engineering Research Award, USA; He also served as referee and final review panel member for the evaluation and assessment of national competitive major research grants program for numerous international organizations and countries, such as USA, Japan, Canada, Australia, European Union, Austria, Singapore etc. ``🌟 羅仁權``Ren C. LUO````Irving T. Ho Chair Professor ``AI Enhanced Multi-Model Knowledge Image Caption for Intelligent Robotics and Resilience Manufacturing Ecosystem``National Taiwan University , Electrical Eng. ``⏱️ 11/18 (Fri.) 13:30-14:00 at International Conference Hall
  • AIA 2017-2022 從社群到產業 ...

    Richie Tsai
    Taiwan AI Academy
    ``🌟 蔡明順``Richie Tsai````Provost``AIA 2017-2022 從社群到產業 ``Taiwan AI Academy``⏱️ :-: at
  • Digital Transformation ...

    Rick Wen
    Deloitte Digital Transformation Service
    於 2002 年加入勤業眾信的風險諮詢部門,並參與了多項政府、金融業、高科技與製造業數位策略規劃、智慧城市諮詢與風險管理的工作,同時也是勤業眾信新創事業團隊成員、數位轉型服務負責人、能源、資源與工業產業負責人暨電信、媒體及娛樂產業負責人。``🌟 溫紹群``Rick Wen````Partner``Digital Transformation – The Essential Pathway to the Future of Industry``Deloitte Digital Transformation Service``⏱️ 11/18 (Fri.) 14:00-14:30 at 2nd Conference Room
  • From Mainframe Terminal...

    Robe Yang
    Robe Yang Ph.D., Director of Cloud Solution Division 2, BU12, Quanta Computer Inc.
    ⚫ Director, Cloud Solution Division 2, Business Unit 12, Quanta Computer Inc., 2020 ~ current.
    ⚫ Senior Manager, Cloud Solution Division 2, Business Unit 12, Quanta Computer Inc., 2011 ~ 2020.
    ⚫ Deputy Director, Information Systems Office, National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH), 2010 ~ 2011.
    ⚫ Manager, Division of System Engineering, Information Systems Office, National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH), 2004 ~ 2010.``🌟 楊子翔``Robe Yang````Director, BU12``From Mainframe Terminal to State-of-the-Art No-Code AI Solution, What Did I Learn From My Teams?``Quanta``⏱️ 11/19 (Sat.) 11:10-11:40 at International Conference Hall
  • Digital Talent Cultivat...

    Ryan Chen
    MediaTek Inc.
    陳志成博士現任聯發科技董事長與執行長室顧問、意騰科技 (intelligo) 董事、陽明交通大學產業創新學院兼任教授。 於 2022 年 9 月之前,陳博士於聯發科技,擔任計算與人工智能技術群本部總經理,負責人工智慧(AI)、圖形處理器 (GPU)、計算系統架構等技術。所開發的核心技術已廣泛使用於智慧手機、智慧電視、智慧家居等產品線。促使聯發科技成為 AI 系統單晶片技術的領導者,並促成 AI 迅速普及於終端裝置中。 於此之前,陳博士亦曾擔任聯發科技,數位電視事業部總經理,領先產業推出 3D 電視、互聯網電視等產品,使聯發科技成為全球各大電視品牌的主要晶片供應商與策略合作夥伴,為聯發科技在電視產業市佔率第一的領導地位,做出了關鍵性的貢獻。``🌟 陳志成``Ryan Chen````Advisor, Executive Office ``Digital Talent Cultivation``MediaTek Inc.``⏱️ 11/18 (Fri.) 11:20-12:20 at International Conference Hall
  • Privacy Enhancing Techn...

    Shih-Hao Hung
    Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University
    臺大資工系教授兼系主任。密西根大學電腦博士、台大電機學士。曾任矽谷昇陽電腦工程師。研究平行處理、計算架構、高效能運算、人工智慧、資訊安全,提倡產學共榮、培育學術 / 實務 / 品格兼備的人才。``🌟 洪士灝``Shih-Hao Hung````Professor and Department Chair``Privacy Enhancing Technologies for the AI Era``Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University``⏱️ 11/19 (Sat.) 14:30-15:00 at International Conference Hall
  • Micron's Smart Enterpri...

    Steve Tzeng
    In charge of Micron Taiwan's adavanced technology demployment and yield improvement``🌟 曾耀瑩``Steve Tzeng````Sr. Director, Technology Group``Micron's Smart Enterprise Journey``Micron``⏱️ 11/19 (Sat.) 10:40-11:10 at International Conference Hall
  • Trillion-parameter AI a...

    TANG Feng (Audrey TANG)
    Ministry of Digital Affairs, Taiwan
    Audrey Tang is Taiwan’s digital minister in charge of moda (Ministry of Digital Affairs). Audrey is known for revitalizing the computer languages Perl and Haskell, as well as building the online spreadsheet system EtherCalc in collaboration with Dan Bricklin.In the public sector, Audrey served on Taiwan national development council’s open data committee and the 12-year basic education curriculum committee; and led the country’s first e-Rulemaking project. In the private sector, Audrey worked as a consultant with Apple on computational linguistics, with Oxford University Press on crowd lexicography, and with Socialtext on social interaction design. In the social sector, Audrey actively contributes to g0v ("gov zero"), a vibrant community focusing on creating tools for the civil society, with the call to "fork the government.``🌟 唐鳳``TANG Feng (Audrey TANG)````Minister``Trillion-parameter AI and Amplifying Societal Value``Ministry of Digital Affairs, Taiwan``⏱️ 11/18 (Fri.) 10:20-11:20 at International Conference Hall
  • 創維塑膠案例:工單排程分析規劃

    TC, Lin
    Taiwan AI Academy
    台灣人工智慧學校 AI 工程師,台北技術班第一期學員,曾任台中分校組長、專案處顧問等職務,在校內指導各類 AI 專題也參與人工智慧學校對外醫療專案。``🌟 林德全``TC, Lin````AI Engineer``創維塑膠案例:工單排程分析規劃 ``Taiwan AI Academy``⏱️ 11/19 (Sat.) 11:40-12:10 at 2nd Conference Room
  • Image Based Training An...

    Ted Lien
    MIH Consortium
    擁有十多年開源軟硬體和創業經驗,專長機器人和電動車智慧座艙和自動駕駛領域,著作十餘本書並活躍於開源社群,目前也兼任長庚大學助理教授。 ``🌟 連宏城``Ted Lien````Technical Consultant``Image Based Training And Perception for EV Speed Detection ``MIH Consortium``⏱️ 11/19 (Sat.) 14:00-14:30 at International Conference Hall
  • The Evaluation Mechanis...

    Tsao, Yu-Chung
    NTUST, Depart. Industrial Management
    Professor Yu-Chung Tsao is currently a Chair Professor in the Department of Industrial Management and the Director of Artificial Intelligence for Operations Management Research Center at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST). He serves as an Editor-in-Chief for Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering and an associate editor (AE) for International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics. Professor Tsao has received the Ten Outstanding Young Person in Taiwan, the Outstanding Research Award from National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), and the Industrial Engineering Medal from Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE), etc.``🌟 曹譽鐘``Tsao, Yu-Chung````Chair Professor``The Evaluation Mechanism and Implement Strategy for Resilience Supply Chain Management``NTUST, Depart. Industrial Management``⏱️ 11/18 (Fri.) 15:00-15:30 at International Conference Hall
  • The Artificial General ...

    Vincent Hsieh
    YSDT (Fareastone Telecom Group) friDay shopping
    • General Manger: Yuan Shi Digital Technology (Fareastone Telecom Group) To reform the conventional e-commerce system by proprietary AI algorithm.
    • Founder and CEO: uitox corporation (global e-commerce) To establish EC sites and branch offices in 13 countries by utilizing the cloud technology.
    • COO: PChome shopping To define the conventional e-commerce system structure which has been adopted by most of EC sites in Taiwan. To create ‘24h shopping’ service which supported PChome had remained B2C No.1 position for more than 10 years. To invent credit card installment payment on EC 15 years ago, that is truly BNPL(buy now pay later) To propose electronic invoice system to the government, that become the standard in EC industry in Taiwan.
    • COO: Ruten shopping (JV by PChome and Ebay) To make Ruten become No. 1 in C2C e-commerce in Taiwan. To help the company be profitable from loss condition before on duty. To create the business model, store A to store B in the convenient store system, which become the industry standard still working.
    • Deputy General Manager: Quanta Computer (Europe) To establish the Global Logistic Service operation in Europe for company’s important customers, Dell and HP.
    • Deputy General Manager: Acer computer (Europe) To build up the operation from scratch for supporting company’s global strategy in EMEA area, and service her major customer, IBM.``🌟 謝振豊``Vincent Hsieh````General Manager``The Artificial General Intelligence(Strong AI)Might Change the Game Rule of e-Commerce Business``YSDT (Fareastone Telecom Group) friDay shopping``⏱️ 11/18 (Fri.) 16:30-17:00 at 2nd Conference Room
  • A Preliminary Explorati...

    Wu, ChengHo
    cacaFly Cloud AI Center
    吳振和 /Wu, ChengHo cacaFly VP, Technology,曾開發 200 萬下載,Google、Apple 之不分類排名冠亞軍之 APP 及數十億流量之大數據網路服務。TEDx、AWS SUMMIT 講者。``🌟 吳振和``Wu, ChengHo````VP, Technology``A Preliminary Exploration of GCP Data & AI Services``cacaFly Cloud AI Center``⏱️ 11/18 (Fri.) 14:30-15:00 at 2nd Conference Room
  • Applications of AI Tech...

    Yen-Lin Chen
    Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology
    Yen-Lin Chen received the B.S. and Ph.D. degree in electrical and control engineering from National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, in 2000 and 2006, respectively. From Feb. 2007 to Jul. 2009, he was an Assistant Professor at the Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Asia University, Taichung, Taiwan. From Aug. 2009 to Jan. 2012, he was an Assistant Professor at the Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, and from Feb. 2012 to Jul. 2015, and from Aug. 2015-Jul. 2021, he was an Associate Professor and full Professor in the same institute, respectively; and since Aug. 2021, he is now a Distinguished Professor in the same institute. Dr. Chen is a Fellow of the IET, a Senior Member of the IEEE, and a member of ACM, IAPR, and IEICE. In 2012, he earned the best annual paper award sponsored by the Intelligent Transportation Society of Taiwan. In 2003, he received Dragon Golden Paper Award sponsored by the Acer Foundation and the Silver Award of Technology Innovation Competition sponsored by the AdvanTech. He also earned the Silver Invention Award from Ministry of Economic Affairs of Taiwan, and received best annual ITS paper awards two times in 2011 and 2012. His research interests include artificial intelligence, intelligent image analytics, embedded systems, pattern recognition, intelligent vehicles, and intelligent transportation system. His research results have been published on over 150 journal and conference papers. ``🌟 陳彥霖``Yen-Lin Chen````Distinguished Professor``Applications of AI Technologies in ADAS``Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology``⏱️ 11/19 (Sat.) 14:00-14:30 at 2nd Conference Room
  • 宏遠興業案例:染色機群對色分析

    Yu Chi, Liu
    Taiwan AI Academy
    台灣人工智慧學校南部分校 AI 工程師,國立交通大學應用數學系數學建模與科學計算碩士,專長在於影像處理、三維建模與數值分析。為探索資料科學與視覺影像更進的發展,現專注研究人工智慧的演算法。曾參與 AI 應用於製造相關之多項專案,包括瑕疵檢測、虛擬量測等,以及物件偵測、虛擬試衣等專案。``🌟 劉又綺``Yu Chi, Liu````AI Engineer``宏遠興業案例:染色機群對色分析``Taiwan AI Academy``⏱️ 11/19 (Sat.) 11:10-11:40 at 2nd Conference Room
  • The Development of FPC ...

    Yu-Kuan, Su
    Formosa Plastics Corporation
    服務於台塑公司, 主要負責公司數位轉型業務, 並配合公司發展政策, 進行相關技術發展與軟硬體建置.``🌟 蘇育寬``Yu-Kuan, Su````Section Director ,Electronic Materials Div.``The Development of FPC in Artificial Intelligence``Formosa Plastics Corporation``⏱️ 11/18 (Fri.) 14:30-15:00 at International Conference Hall
  • Digital Talent Cultivat...

    Yuh-Jye Lee
    Office of Science and Technology Policy, NSTC
    TBD``🌟 李育杰``Yuh-Jye Lee````Deputy Executive Director``Digital Talent Cultivation``Office of Science and Technology Policy, NSTC``⏱️ 11/18 (Fri.) 11:20-12:20 at International Conference Hall