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The Key AI-Driven Technology of Sustainable Enterprises Management

Time / Place:

⏱️ 11/18 (Fri.) 17:00-17:30 at 2nd Conference Room


AI 驅動永續經營的關鍵技術與實踐

Chimes AI’s goal is to make the use of AI as handy as how much easy in using electricity and water. In the past decade, AI technologies have been proven helpful in many industries, and we have seen that techniques like auto-machine learning can train a good AI model. Therefore, to encourage and welcome everyone to use AI, we established a No-Code AI platform for users to join in developing the AI projects of their interest. However, the growing use of AI raises a question: How do we manage all the AI projects? Like in the manufacturing industry, the equipment should be documented and monitored. AI projects, too, are highly recommended to be appropriately managed; therefore, the concept of MLOps should be important in the next few decades. We see, in the future, a few great potentials in AI techniques for MLOps to formulate a sustainable business. In this talk, we will share, with examples, our recent development of AI-enhanced MLOps techniques.

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  • 謝宗震 Johnson Hsieh
  • Chimes AI / CEO
  • 謝宗震,清華統計博士,台灣推廣資料科學與人工智慧民主化的先行者。與台灣人工智慧學校、人工智慧科技基金會等指標性組織合作,至今教導數千位 AI 種子。有感於產業 AI 化,不能僅從知識教育與典範案例著手,謝博士於 2020 年創辦 Chimes AI 詠鋐智能公司,透過科技的破壞性創新,提供低門檻的 AI for ESG 解決方案,包含但不限於節能減碳、工安環保、循環經濟等應用場景,實踐企業永續發展。

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