VIP / Speakers

Digital Talent Cultivation

陳志成 Ryan Chen - Digital Talent Cultivation
陳志成 Ryan Chen / MediaTek Inc. Advisor, Executive Office
李育杰 Yuh-Jye Lee - Digital Talent Cultivation
李育杰 Yuh-Jye Lee / National Science and Technology Council, Deputy Executive Secretary, Office of Science and Technology
簡立峰 Lee-Feng Chien - Digital Talent Cultivation
簡立峰 Lee-Feng Chien / Appier and iKala Board Director
俞寧寧 Ning Ning Yu - Digital Talent Cultivation
俞寧寧 Ning Ning Yu / Taboola VP, R&D, LA R&D

Trillion-parameter AI and Amplifying Societal Value

孔祥重 Hsiang-Tsung Kung / Harvard University William H. Gates Professor of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
侯宜秀 Isabel Hou - Trillion-parameter AI and Amplifying Societal Value
侯宜秀 Isabel Hou / Taiwan AI Academy Foundation Secretary General
唐鳳 TANG Feng (Audrey TANG) - Trillion-parameter AI and Amplifying Societal Value
唐鳳 TANG Feng (Audrey TANG) / Ministry of Digital Affairs, Taiwan Minister