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Learning to Trust AI

Time / Place:

⏱️ 11/19 (Sat.) 13:00-13:30 at International Conference Hall


Our AI models are both capable and vulnerable. The advances in frameworks and computational technology offer tremendous opportunities to train complex models for various vertical applications. On the other hand, the quality of data, stability of performance metrics, and finicky training process also mean that these models may not perform as expected in the field or fall victim to various security attacks. In this talk, we discuss recent technology trends that can help bolster our confidence in AI models and showcase our current efforts to help bring trust into handling data and deploying models.

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  • 陳維超 Wei-Chao Chen
  • Inventec Corp. / CDO & Senior Vice President
  • Wei-Chao Chen is the Chief Digital Officer at Inventec Corporation and the Chairman at Skywatch Innovation. His research interests include graphics hardware, computational photography, augmented reality, and computer vision. Dr. Chen was the Chief AI Advisor at Inventec (2018-2020), an adjunct faculty at the National Taiwan University (2009-2018), a senior research scientist in Nokia Research Center at Palo Alto (2007-2009), and a 3D Graphics Architect in NVIDIA (2002-2006). Dr. Chen received his MS in Electrical Engineering from National Taiwan University (1996) and Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2002). 陳維超是英業達股份有限公司 (Inventec Corp.) 的數位長與資深副總經理。他同時也是行品股份有限公司 (Skywatch Inc.) 的創辦人暨董事長,負責雲端視訊監控與 IoT 相關之產品與技術開發。陳博士目前也受邀擔任台灣大學資訊工程系之客座教授。其主要研究興趣為 GPU 繪圖硬體,電腦繪圖,計算照相學,擴增實境,與電腦視覺等。陳博士畢業於台灣大學電機系、電機研究所、美國北卡羅萊納大學 (UNC-Chapel Hill)。陳博士曾於加州矽谷 NVIDIA 擔任系統架構師,Nokia Research Palo Alto 擔任資深研究員,台灣大學資訊系擔任兼任助理教授,與英業達擔任首席 AI 顧問。

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