數位行銷專家cacaFly與Google Cloud 攜手合作推出雲端智能中心(Cloud AI+ Center),並透過 Google Cloud 雲端服務提供企業基礎設施、AI人工智慧 、數據分析、機器學習等雲端技術服務,幫助企業加速數位轉型的腳步。
此外,cacaFly 與 Google Cloud 的合作,未來將成為企業整合數位行銷、數據分析以及雲端技術的堅強技術團隊。 為了實現此願景,cacaFly也積極的再訓練及招聘相關人才,職務包括雲端架構師、雲端工程師、雲端數據顧問、專案經理等職務。
Taipei, Taiwan – Local digital marketing agency cacaFly and Google Cloud have partnered up to launch Cloud AI+ Solution Center in Taiwan. This will help enterprises accelerate their digital transformation by offering Google Cloud Platform services for AI applications, data analysis, and cloud technology.
In addition, the partnership with Google Cloud will be the foundation of a marketing and enterprise ecosystem that incorporates marketing, data analytics, and cloud technology. In order to realise this vision, the company is actively recruiting related talents, including cloud architects, cloud engineers, cloud data consultants, and cloud project managers.
勤業眾信(Deloitte & Touche)係指Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited(“DTTL”)之會員。Deloitte為各行各業的上市及非上市提供審計、稅務、風險諮詢、財務顧問、管理顧問及其他相關服務。Fortune Global 500大中,超過90%的企業皆由Deloitte遍及全球逾150個國家的會員所,以世界級優質專業服務,為客戶提供因應複雜商業挑戰中所需的卓越見解。
Deloitte provides industry-leading audit and assurance, tax and legal, consulting, financial advisory, and risk advisory services to nearly 90% of the Fortune Global 500® and thousands of private companies. Our more than 345,000 professionals deliver measurable and lasting results that help reinforce public trust in capital markets, enable clients to transform and thrive, and lead the way toward a stronger economy, a more equitable society and a sustainable world. Building on its 175-plus year history, Deloitte spans more than 150 countries and territories. Our organization has grown tremendously in both scale and capabilities, yet our shared culture and mission—to make an impact that matters—remains unchanged.
身為國內資通訊與數位應用服務先驅,遠傳電信以卓越的網路技術、創新的數位服務、便捷的企業應用,提供各類切合用戶需求的優質產品與服務,網路品質多次獲第三方公正單位肯定,致力以科技拉近人與人之間的距離,實現「只有遠傳 沒有距離」的品牌承諾。遠傳電信一路超前部署,2016年領先業界設立全台第一家5G實驗室、2018年成立5G先鋒隊。2020年,遠傳電信與近百家5G生態系策略合作夥伴共同宣布5G商轉,持續透過「大人物」(大數據、人工智慧、物聯網)以及雲端技術,落實全新品牌宣言「靠得更近 想得更遠」,成為消費者、企業客戶的最佳數位夥伴。
Far EasTone Telecommunications (FET) is a leading company in Taiwan which provides telecommunications and digital application services. Since its establishment in 1997, FET has strived to close the gap between people to achieve the objective of “Closing the distance”. As the 5G era approaches, FET has set its sights beyond telecommunications and has reinterpreted the brand statement in 2019, setting a new milestone with " For Every Thought, We Go Further". FET’s aim is, through Big Data, AI, IoT and other digital applications, to not only bring people closer together in mind, also to reduce the gap between people and new technology.
E.SUN Bank was established in 1992, which was named after the highest mountain in Taiwan. We offer warm and attentive services with sincerity and have become customers’ first choice in financial services. As Fintech emerges as the fastest growing tech sector, E.SUN has established the first Intelligent Banking Division to provide a variety of AI-enabled financial services. The exceptional overall performance has been recognized by the world-renowned technology consulting firm “International Data Corporation” (IDC), which has awarded the highest honor of " Future Enterprise of The Year". In other words, it highlights E.SUN’s achievements in IT infrastructure, operational resilience, financial technology and other areas, and we will continue to provide more innovative financial services to our customers. With the teamwork of like-minded financial professionals, we believe E.SUN will be one of the leading banks in the world.
Profet AI 杰倫智能科技成立於2018年,宗旨為希望能夠攜手與協助各企業,運用AI Machine Learning 導入應用。
如今Profet AI 已是 AutoML 製造業領域的領導品牌,我們的願景,是以過去我們在外商20多年的經驗,以及近幾年來我們累積的產業別、執行以及應用經驗,將企業中珍貴的數據資料透過Profet AI 虛擬資料科學家平台加以應用,一天上手、一周落地,不只可以做到老師傅的經驗傳承,也讓企業於 Enterprise Big Data 淬鍊出更有價值的數位轉型機會,落實全民AI文化,也讓世界因為我們得努力運轉的更好!
ProfetAI was established in 2018 with the goal of helping enterprises to adopt AI Machine Learning applications.
As a leading brand of AutoML solution, our vision is to leverage our over 20 years of experience working in world class technology companies, along with our manufacturing know-how and experiece, to create value to our client. ProfetAI's virtual data scientist platform support our clients to realize data's value with only one day to start, one week to results. With ProfetAI's solution, enterprise can establish the culture of citizen AI by extending and enhancing the experience of the master craftsmen and proliferate AI across different departments and processes. We hope to make the world runs better!
中國醫藥大學與亞洲大學於2012結為聯合大學,簡稱「中亞聯大」,並由教育部核准設立「中亞聯合大學系統」,是國內私立大學、同一位董事長的兩所大學結合成為系統學校的首例,「中亞聯大」的學生享有跨校學程、輔系、雙主修的交換生待遇,分享中國醫藥大學與亞洲大學兩校教學特色資源! 由上海交通大學公布的「2020世界大學學術排名」,台灣共15所大學躋身全球前1000名研究型大學行列。中國醫藥大學、亞洲大學組成的「中亞聯大」兄弟校雙雙入榜,中醫大今年躍升為全球第224名、全台第2,亞大則是全球排名994、位列台灣私校第5名。
世界大學學術排名表現亮眼,中國醫藥大學暨醫療體系董事長、亞洲大學創辦人蔡長海表示,「中亞聯大」將繼續攜手延攬世界人才、投入研究團隊,努力朝向國際一流大學邁進。 中國醫藥大學目前已陸續建構腫瘤、免疫、幹細胞、中醫醫學暨針灸及腦疾病等醫學相關研究中心,持續提升醫療教學與成就。 亞洲大學近年來接連成立AI人工智慧、精準醫療、3D列印醫療研發、金融科技與區塊鏈等研究中心,持續提升師生研究量能。此外,由校長蔡進發率領的研究團隊結合大數據、人工智能與區塊鏈等技術,提出強腎鏈始創計畫,建構第一個以區塊鏈為基礎的血液透析照護平台,而學校也與亞大附醫也攜手投入智慧醫療研究,表現亮眼,AI、醫學領域學系都是最搶手的科系。
InfuseAI 成立於 2018 年,幫助資料科學團隊專注於「用資料產生價值」。InfuseAI 藉著提供更方便的資料工具與最佳化的工作流程,讓資料團隊易於協作、提高資料可靠性。和 InfuseAI 一起,你將了解你的資料、信任你的資料,並最大化你的資料價值。
InfuseAI launched in 2018 to help data teams generate business value with data. InfuseAI optimizes data workflows and assures data observability. This frees up teams to interact and innovate. With InfuseAI, you'll learn more about your data, build trust, and maximize the value of your data.
Chimes AI 詠鋐智能致力於 AI 庶民化,使用 AI 就像用水用電一樣自然,並協助企業實踐 AI for ESG 之各項應用,包含節能減碳、工安環保、永續傳承等議題。為此,我們自主研發、打造Tukey - AI 人工智慧建置與管理平台,幫助各行各業產銷人發財不同領域專家將營運經驗透過資料與演算法,快速轉換成 AI 模型,進而掌握 AI 解題以及 AI 模型自我迭代技術,真正把數據思維融入在企業 DNA 中創造全新價值,實踐企業傳承、智慧賦能。
Chimes AI is committed to lowering the threshold of AI for enterprises and realizing AI for ESG applications. To this end, we have developed and built the Tukey - AI building and management platform, providing a friendly operating interface for AI modeling and management in the manufacturing industry, from data extraction to AI model building, field practitioners can completely handle the process by themselves to achieve the benefits of mass production modeling, and our key application scenarios in the manufacturing industry are #Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction #Public Safety and Environmental Protection #Cyclic Economy, etc. Through data analysis, behavior prediction and process automation, we help companies build their own AI applications to achieve the goal of AI for ESG business sustainability.